Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today I was hanging out with some of the guys from our youth ministry, doing something we call Burgers and Bro's. Just hanging out, eating burgers, and tossing the football around. Awesome time! It also got me to thinking about something.

I saw a picture that I had saved to my iPad. It was a youth minister's meme picture. You know the silly picture floating around Facebook that say, Youth Pastor, What I do..What the senior pastor thinks I do..What the deacons think I do..etc. Reminds me as a youth pastor we wear many different hats.

Some days I feel like the school principle. When I have to tell a student they cannot go to camp because of "fill in the blank".

Some days I feel like a crisis hotline worker. When a student gets dumped by their girlfriend, and I'm up until 1 AM listening to them talk about it.

Some days I feel like the churches multitool. Need a recreation director for an event? Call the youth pastor! Need someone to volunteer for some random non-youth related task? Ask the youth pastor!

Some days I feel like a horrible parent. When I miss my daughters only goal of her soccer season because I'm on a youth ministry trip.

Some days I feel like the "man". When a program or game God inspired me to do goes over perfectly.

But some days....some days....I feel like Paul. When my "Timothy's" finally get it. And I can see the fruit in their lives. Somedays....

Just Keep Swimming!

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