Sunday, March 3, 2013

SYMC Boot Camp for the Bi-Vocational Youth Worker

Another awesome workshop! Danette Matty is awesome! I follow her on Twitter and can connect with her sense of humor on there and in the class. This class also relied heavy on crowd participation as well which was awesome. Here are some of the thoughts that I had during this worshop.

-John 5: 19-20
-"The crux of youth ministry is a caring adult in the life of a student." Danette Matty

-After the comment another youth worker made about doing small groups every other week instead of every week this idea sprang to life in my mind.
"Does my youth ministry have to look 'normal'? ie Wednesday night youth group, Sunday school sunday morning. What is 'normal anyway, but what works for your group." Discipleship on the go fits that, instead of having a structured lesson just have the students over for dinner and talk.

-Don't get stuck in the "it's just a season mentality." You are always in a season.

-What are my top 5 youth ministry priorities? And focus on making those great. They should line up with capability, gifting, time, and resources.

-Does something always have to suffer? ie family, my workplace job, my ministry etc. No but I may have to let go or redefine what I'm looking for.

-Artful ways to say "No!"
1: Affirmation: Always affirm by saying something like "I really am flattered you think I would be great for that, but I'm going to have to say no."
2: Let your yes be yes and your no be no: If your going to say no, don't lead them along, just say no.
3: Recruit: Recruit them to head the idea up.
4: Up front communication
5: Availability is an issue.
6: Filter it through the spouse
7: Vision casting: Routinely cast your ministries vision to the church. If it doesn't line up with your ministries vision then say so!
8: Always explain why, don't just say no and leave it at that.

-Always take a time inventory

Tips for Bi-Vocational Youth Workers:
1: Recruit temporary help. Even if its only for a month, end of summer, end of school year etc.

2: Pick and chose what events you can and cannot attend.

3: Pick and chose what to say yes and no to on behalf of your youth.

4: Simplify your messages and programs. Don't be afraid to use other peoples material and curriculum.

5: Don't sacrifice prayer for prep. (Guilty!)

6: Take one night off every three months and make your volunteers take one night off every three months.

7: What do I want my life/marriage/relationships to look like?

8: Be a wise steward of your time and health. That does not mean be lazy or selfish.

9: Always remember what matters most. Your relationship with Jesus.

Just Keep Swimming!

Location:W Washington St,Indianapolis,United States

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